
original, inspiring acoustic music

The Music of Earthshine

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Earthshine's Lyrics...

The lyrics of our songs are a very important part of our music. We have had a great deal of positive feedback about our lyrics, ("deeply poetic," "insightful and delving" etc.) and to many people they really complete the Earthshine "experience." Each of our albums has complete lyric sheets included with them.

Now that song downloads are available for all of our albums, we want to be sure to make the lyrics available as well.

I am putting it on my "to do" list to make pdf's of the lyric sheets for each album and upload them to this website, then create a link to each of the said lyric sheets right here, where they belong! I promise!

Last Updated by Earthshine November 2013

Tell us what you think about Earthshine's music!

We are interested in your feedback and comments. We might even post them on this website! To comment on our music, please go to our FaceBook or MySpace! You can also email us at!